Friday, May 26, 2017

Ku Pun Smokeless Moxa from Lierre Canada

KuPun smokeless moxa is a hollow, rigid moxa used for warming points or areas of body with comfortable indirect moxa heat. KuPun moxa is designed used with KuPun Moxa bowl, which featured an insulating rubber base and aluminum center. One hole burning bowl (1" dia) is used for single points and 5 holes(2" dia) burning bowl is used for large areas.
Please be advised that KuPun Moxa burning bowl must be placed on a horizontal area and a tape can be used for fixing the burning bowl during treatments
Please note KuPun Moxa is sold separately from the Burning Bowls.
moxa, moxibustion, moxa supplies, adhesive moxa, stick-on moxa

Lierre carries both new and traditional forms of moxa and moxa accessories. You'll find aged golden moxa, tiger warmers, and a series of different types of moxa sticks, both scented and unscented, smokeless and with smoke. Our accessories include lion warmers, moxa plates, moxa extinguishers, moxa needle caps, moxa spoons, moxa lighters and cleaning brushes
Lierre stocks lion and tiger warmers, cone needles, scoops, torches and even more moxa accessories. These durable accessories will last you decades of solid practice - just the thing you can trust for your moxibustion treatments. 

Used for indirect moxibustion treatments, Lierre's stick-on moxa products are reliable and easy to use­. You'll find both the moxa itself and the accessories you'll need for these treatments in our inventory!

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