Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Jade soft, softer than normal cupping?

Why Jade soft cuppings, but not the standard ones?

Jade Soft Cuppings

As you may all know, cupping has been existed for centuries. Cupping has been back as widely used, and a good medical alternative. Since it is still popular now, it has rumors saying that they heal pain, they help resolving muscle tensions, and they truly help its blood circulation.

Today, I am not here to explain to you what are the benefits, or why are people still using cupping therapy. But the difference between silicones cupping sets. Why using certain cupping is better than another. There is the factor of who is manipulating the cups, such as, if you are a professional, you will be tired of holding those rigid cups for too long. Or if you have difficulty in holding those harder cups, it would not be beneficial for you. This is why at, we have an exclusive silicone cups; Jade Soft. As their name says it, they are softer than ever. They are only available to Lierre !

Benefits of Jade Soft silicone cupping set:
  • Easier to manipulate
  • More pliable
  • Color is still transparent, you can still see what you are doing, or whether the suction is good enough
  • The color is pretty, beautiful fading green, the Jade color
  • Flexible
  • Adaptable to any corner of your arms, or difficult area to cup usually
  • Good suction, better holding
  • Glide better

If you are trying to use these at home, they are quite easy to manipulate, especially compared to the glass cups. You essentially, only need to use massage oils, gels or lotions, then you are ready to go! They are the most innovative silicone cupping sets out there, so you should definitely try them out!
Make sure you do not use it on:
  • Fresh cuts, bruises, or other injuries
  • Sunburns, deep scars, rashes, or irritated/damaged skins

Note: Although they are silicone cupping set, they may also leave some marks to your body. Because of their suctions, they may leave some bruises. However, you do not have to worry much, those marks usually stay to a week, or even after two or three days.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

How to Sanitize your silicone cupping set properly?

How to clean your silicone cups?

As you may know, this is our most frequently asked question. Silicone cupping sets are often used with oils, gels or lotions, this is why it is important to wash our cups properly, and no one wants dirt into our skin. Before I introduce the methods how to clean them, it depends who are using it. Are you a professional or are you using it at home?

If you are using as a professional on patients, it needs to be more sanitized than others because you are using it on many other patients.

Professional sterilization is done by immersing cups in a bleach solution to disinfect them. recommend using ten parts water, one part bleach (10/1) and soaking them for two hours. The proportion can vary depending the regions and order’s standards. You should definitely consult your local association for further instructions.

If you are using only for yourself, at home, there are fewer ways to wash it.
You can clean it with soap or disinfectants, for personal uses. If you use with oil, it is important to thoroughly wipe the cups, then clean with neutral (preferably unscented) soap to get rid of the dirt or oil residue. If you are also a clean freak, you can also leave it in boiling water for two or three minutes.
Silicone Cupping Set 14 pcs

That being said, it is as important to clean your cups as cleanse your skin before usage. On the top of that you can also use these cups under your shower!

Huile, gel ou lotion? Difficile à choisir!

Vous êtes un(e) masseur(e), mais vous ne savez pas quoi choisir entre huile, gel ou lotion pour massage.

Cette question est souvent demandé par mes clients qui viennent en magasin. En fait, certain a des préférences, mais des fois j’aurais de la misère à leur expliquer. Voici pourquoi : Chacun a de différentes peaux !

Voici quelques tips pour vous aider à choisir celui qui vous conviendra le mieux. Mais avant tout, je vais vous expliquer la différence entre les trois catégories.

Généralement, les clients vont chercher de l’huile de massage, mais il existe plusieurs alternatives à ceux qui n’aime pas à avoir de l’huile sur la peau.

  • L’huile de massage : Ils peuvent venir avec odeur ou sans, et elle est plus hydratante. Chaque produit, ou type d’huile promet différente résultat ou bénéfice. L’huile, généralement, glisse plus facilement que les alternatives.
  • Le gel de massage : Le gel est une sorte d’huile, mais des fois, il sort plus vers le gel, voici pourquoi des fois, les clients pensent que le gel est huileux, mais c’est l’huile est le proche au gel. Il glisse moyennement, comparé à l’huile. Il aide à masser et donner une sensation d’un massage plus en profondeur.
  • La lotion de massage : Généralement utiliser pour le visage. Elle n’est pas la solution la plus solide des trois, mais en fait la crème le serait). Celui-là peut aussi bien hydrater la peau, et aider à soulager les maux.

D’ailleurs, il y a deux autres alternatives chez Lierre, mais ces trois-là ce sont les plus populaires et choisi parmi nos clients.

Crèmes, Huiles, Lotions et Gels de massage

Quelle sorte devrait-on choisir alors?

Dépendant quel type d’inquiétude de votre peau que vous avez. Par exemple, si vous cherchez à régler le problème d’acné, l’huile d’argan pourrait possiblement aider. Cependant, pour hydrater votre peau, vous pouvez utiliser l’huile de coco, mais celui-là risque de bloquer vos pores. Il y aurait aussi l’huile de jojoba, ce qui est de l’huile qui nourrirait plus votre peau.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Magnet therapy and its benefits

There is still no study found that magnets actually heal your injuries completely, but it has been used by many, that it is a kind of placebo; like for pain reliever. Magnet therapy is well practiced in today’s modern society, it is an alternate medical practice that uses static or unmoving magnets to lighten the pain and help the healing of other health concerns. Magnetic therapist uses therapeutic magnets in order to treat any pain in your body. They use those to balance your body that already naturally have magnetic field.

Magnetic therapy has become more popular because it helps blood circulation and is good to treat certain skin disease as well. But what does magnetism do in general? It produces a magnetic field that attracts the iron in the hemoglobin which improves the blood flow circulation. With that, it will boost the immune system and decrease toxins. This is how magnetic therapy works to reduce pain and inflammation in your body.

Then, what are the benefits?

1.       It is a natural pain reliever
a.       Some research say that it affects ion channels, and that reduce the nerve pain signals. And those ion channels produce a movement through cellular gateways, which control the pain signals and muscle contraction.
b.       By using magnets has its own advantage, it is a safe practice, and can last for a long time (reusable) and has no side effect!
2.       It helps healing after injury or after surgery
a.       Magneto therapy can provide the ice and heat to affect blood flow on injured areas, and it works faster than traditionally used.
b.       Magnets reduce swells, bruises, and pain, which is why it speeds up the healing of bone fractures or any wounds.
3.       It helps to have better sleep
a.       Magnets also help you to destress your entire body, it helps to have a gentle experience. You will fall asleep faster and can rest better throughout your night.

4.       It also prevents from aging
5.       It also reinforce energy

It is not recommended to use it when …

  • -          Pregnant women or infants
  • -          People who wear pacemaker because magnetic fields do affect heartbeat
  • -          People who use defibrillators
  • -          Open wounds
Rare side effects:

  • -          Pain
  • -          Nausea
  • -          Dizziness
  •        Although I mentioned that there is not side effect, but everyone has a different body, it may react differently. Those are very rare side effect that can occur.

Avez-vous remarqué que vous avez des cellulites et vous ne savez pas comment les soignés?

Des cellulites se sont des cellules graisseuses en dessous de notre peau et qui donne une couleur orange. Ces cellules sont des excès d’acides gras que l’on consume dans la vie quotidienne. De plus, elles gonflent sous la peau, ce qui bloque la circulation des liquides, dont de la lymphe, un liquide qui est jaune dont leur rôle principal est de transporter les toxines vers les organes. Vu que la circulation devienne limitée, les toxines vont éventuellement s’accumuler et résulte une inflammation, voici pourquoi notre peau devient une couleur orange.

Des recherches disent que les cellulites sont présentes dans 90 % des femmes et moins chez les hommes. Cependant, il n’y a pas de cause directement reliée, vu que n’importe qui peux en avoir. Peu importe, une personne grosse ou mince peut avoir cette <<maladie>>.

Alors comment les soignés?
Avez-vous déjà entendu parler des ventouses en silicone? Elles aident beaucoup à étirer, détendre les tissus conjonctifs qui ont durci sous la peau, et va réduire l’apparence de la cellulite. Elles favorisent une circulation saine du sang et rajeunissent la peau. Il ne suffit que de faire une routine par jour, par exemple 5 minutes pour les cuisses.

 Ventouse en silicone anti-cellulite
Mais, est ce que faire juste de l’exercice peut régler le problème?
Pas nécessairement, vu que le résultat va prendre plus de temps à se montrer. Même avec juste une bonne diète ne va pas nécessairement faire disparaitre vos inquiétudes. Les ventouses en silicone sont très économiques, elles peuvent être utilisées pour une durée illimitée, pourvu qu’elles soient très durables. Cette technique pour réduire l’apparence des cellulites est présentement la plus efficace et économique. Elle aide beaucoup mieux la circulation et dégager les toxines de votre corps. Faire une routine régulièrement va vous faire une personne plus en santé! Cependant, vous n’êtes pas obligé de faire tout cela à la maison. Il y a des massages spécialisés en faisant massé dans les tissus plus profonds. Avec les ventouses, l’acupuncteur peut régler votre problème.       

Saturday, May 5, 2018

What are the unknown facts behind crystals?

Are you someone who thought that crystals are only just rocks? Or pretty decoration. You might be wrong about this, they may seem pretty to be stored beside our TV, but there is actually a spirituous meaning behind them! Let’s look a bit about their history. 

As far back as Ancient History in China, crystals were significantly part of their culture. It drives energy into our mind and body.

Not only in Chinese cultures, but other cultures, such as Egyptian, Roman, and many more! If we go further, crystals can also be called healing crystals. Essentially, healing crystals allow positive energy (healing energy) to flow into our body, while they will draw out the negative energy (disease-causing energy).  

Amethyst Crystal Point

Now, onto the benefits of healing crystals! Although there still no scientific proven results that crystals actually heal people, but it has been effective for helping curing diseases. There are so many crystals out there; they each have their own functions.
Here are 4 basic crystals and its benefits:

1.  Clear Quartz: It is great to restore or strengthen balance in your life, used for healing purposes. This stone can be crystal clear to an opaque color.

2.  Rose Quartz: It a love stone that focuses on heart chakra for emotional healing. It usually has a rose pink color.

3. Amethyst:  A meditative and calming stone, it is beneficial for patients who think or worry too much, or cannot slow down their minds. It also encourages calm sleep. This stone can be purple or violet, or lavender-hued.

4.  Black Tourmaline: Whenever you feel in bad moods, bad thoughts (depression), black tourmaline will draw out the bad energies. Only keep the good vibes! It is a shiny black stone.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

What can acupuncture do to you?

It all stated with Traditional Chinese medicine explaining acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force known as qi or chi. As the history goes on, acupuncture had an even stronger definition. Acupuncture is simply a medical practice that stimulates certain points or pressure on your body, with a needle, they can relieve certain pain. An acupuncturist will insert needles into the patients’ bodies in order to relieve the pain, and some studies say it may cure some illnesses. However, for a good practitioner of acupuncture, they need the right needles to operate, and to know the right acupressure. This practice has been going on since a long time ago now, and must be performed professionally to be safe.

But why use acupuncture?
Acupuncture can be a replacement to some treatment, and it is affordable option. Sometimes can be more or as effective to the patient. You would not be taking pills or drugs, so the dependence to medication would be inexistent.  Acupuncture never lets you become addicted. This practice can be suitable to anyone, unless physical condition.

What supplies are required?
Acu Relaxo™ Acupuncture Needles

As an acupuncturist, you need to know how to choose the best acupuncture needles from qualified supplier. At Lierre, we sell the certified needles, especially the needle of brand, Acu Relaxo, it has been recently added to the registered brand. Moreover, this is brand is the third certified and registered brand at Lierre. 

The acupuncture needles are made with highest quality German stainless steel, and has a silicone-coated needle in order to slide it easier into the skin. Usually needles may seem scary, but with silicone type of needle, it facilitates the process and would hurt less.
If you are looking for a more traditional way to practice acupuncture, I suggest Lierre’s needles. Note that, you always need to find authentic needles! Acu Relaxo, is a trustworthy brand, these needles would be beneficial and safe for you to use it on a patient. And also, to not forget, this brands’ needles are competitive both in its quality and affordability!

Examples of treatment with acupuncture:
  • -          Muscle spasms and pain
  • -          Back problems
  • -          Headaches, migraines
  • -          Neck pain
  • -          Knee pain
  • -          Digestive problems
  • -          Mood, depress, stress
  • -          Helps treating insomnia

-          And many more…

Enough of the pros of acupuncture, the small disadvantages:
This has been the good side of acupuncture, but there is always a side effect to medical practices. You should be informed that acupuncture can cause minor bleeding, bruising, and pain and soreness in the body. You should also see a doctor before getting any acupuncture sessions. Everybody has a different body.